Saturday, January 29, 2011


I thought they would scribble me once... kkkk... I was wrong!
This week I did a new simulation because in the last 5 sessions of radiotherapy, the area to be radiated will be reduced... Or rather, it will be more accurate... Right upon where the tumor was.
So.... They scribbled me again... I think the guy liked me... This time he used a pen that doesn’t erase... hahahaha... He scribbled me on Wednesday and the ink has not vanished completely yet... hahahaha... I'm taking showers, guys! Hahaha....
 And he also made two more dots (tattoo) to mark the key points... I'm becoming a jaguar... kkkkk..... Will I get into the program to protect endangered animals? Hahahhahaha....

Friday, January 7, 2011


There is one funny thing that I forgot to tell in the last post!
One day before starting to do radiotherapy, it is necessary to simulate the process and the do appropriate markings.... Well, on this occasion they measure all proportions, take x-ray spots, determinate the best device to be used and everything... Everything is measured thorougly and SCRAWLED!!!!!
Yeah! Scrwaled... They delineate the site to be irradiated with a pen and mark reference points with tattoo (they are only two dots)... kkkk.... Now I'm all drawn... Like a beef! Hahahahaha... Nothing more is missing in life... lol

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I became a broadcaster!

HAPPY 2011!
Hey kids!
How were the holidays? I spent them well! Only in binge... hahaha... Because eating  is good and eating well is even better... kkkk...
The novelty is that I became a broadcaster... kkk... I’m doing radiotherapy since December 29th...
Seriously (as if it were possible to me... lol), radiotherapy started on 29th... Just over a month after surgery.
The cicatrization from surgery is going very well... ah, I also started doing physiotherapy (which by the way is a very important thing!) that is helping me to recover much movement, because I couldn’t move my shoulder!
Radiotherapy is doing great... It is super fast and I feel nothing... But now that I did the 5th session I started feeling that the place is warm, but it is not unbearable... The nurse told me to use compress of chamomile tea and some aloe vera gel on the local.
Soon I'll have baked boobs available... Anyone? Kkkkkkk....