Wednesday, July 20, 2011

18th Bia's Health News‏‏

From: Bia
Subject: 18th Bia's Health News‏
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:40:29 -0300

Beautiful people,
I think I should update right? J But first of all... HAPPY FRIEND'S DAY (here in Brazil is Friend’s Day today) to you all my dear friends!

During month I've been recovering at home and the new are:
1. Now I'm eating again... Even fewer, but I’m again...hehehe... Ow… think of a nervous person trying to eat a hot dog... That's me! Eating hot dogs with one hand is a very work to do... It's a real mess... It seems like the pig (that’s me) eating the dog... I'm tired of playing it... My hand must work soon because otherwise my mother and my brother will continue witnessing these dante scenes here at home... Kkkkkkk...

2. Ah...Do you guys remember I said that radio would bring down the hair? Well... They are gone... Again... Take a look at the picture... Kkkkkkkkk... No, I did not sleep with the Black Power wig... But my pillow woke up with it... Hahaha... Three days in this way and the hairs are gone... Hihihi... Now I display an elegant tuft (ridiculous... lol) left on the forehead... Hahahaha...

3. Between this week and the next one I will make the resonance, ultrasound and mammography, and consultations will be on 8/11... Then we see how everything is related to the breast and also if I will need more radiation or not... I sincerely hope that now everything is up... And that I don’t have to do any treatment!!!!!!!! J

4. I’m sooooooooo swollen because of the corticoid that barely breathe... LOL... My throat is swollen including... Then I discovered why I'm sleeping badly... I wake up pulling the air... I wake up with my own snoring... Kkkkk... It’s the end times... It was just what I needed... But that's okay... During the day, I manage my breath... During the night, the snoring manage my breath...

5. Also because of the swelling I have two new "entities" living with me... Hehehe... Cookie and Doughnut... My cheeks... They are so big and stiff that they look like they have their own life... Some days I can barely open my eyes... Hahaha... Okay... Okay... I know I do not open wide eyes naturally... But it also did not have as much right? Look at how they are...

6. Moving... Physical Therapy... I continue to fight... I'm still at a loss because the knee decided to turn weaker, but I'm whipping it... The arm is stronger... And hand... Oh, the hand... This is a mystery... It decided to move only the thumb and ONLY... But only 2mm nothing more... Hahaha... And when it wants, not when I want...LOL ... I hope that soon I can take possession again of my hand... For instance it is independent... Kkkkkk ...

Well... That's it... As soon as I get news I promise to tell to you!
Access and disseminate, please:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The mighty K

This treatment is really been a continuous learning... Hahaha... Now I find out K... Aka potassium... Hehehe...
With this business of taking mega doses of dexamethasone to deflate the brain I have some "undesirable" reactions as swelling (it deflates the brain and swells the rest of body... Hahaha... It is because of salt retention inside the body... Hummm... I became a giant snack... Hahaha...), reduced muscle strength, tingling, insomnia, constipation, fatigue, abdominal distension (biiiig belly... kkkk...) and acne... There must other things... But it's enough for me right... I do not want to experience all the symptoms do not J
I was never a big fan of banana... Hahaha... Now I eat it every day... I'm getting used to it... Hahaha... Of course I do not try to restore the potassium only by eating banana... No one deserves it... But it is interesting to note that the body requires just what he needs!
Occasionally I have a crazy desire to eat something and when I research I realize that such food is exactly what my body is missing... Cool huh? But hey… Pay attention... Being desiring is different from having the lust to eat that with hamburger and fries... Hahaha... I will not deny that sometimes I really want that… From the bottom of my greediness... Hahaha....
I've been eating well... Thankfully, that sick feeling is gone... And I'm feeling better... Now I have the strength to do physical therapy... Soon I will do further tests and consultations... In the next newsletter I'm sure I can say that from now there will be only attendance... No more treatment! See ya!
Ah... Information is important right? Where is the potassium after all... Look... That was a little of what I found...
- Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, beets, cauliflower, green peppers, chicory, peas, carrots, onions, potatoes with skin.
- Fruits: oranges, raisins, avocado, banana, apricot, cherry, prune, peach with peel, dried figs, melons, blackberries, tomatoes, pear water, lemon juice, pineapple, mango sword, apple with peel.
- Cereals: chickpeas, beans, wheat germ, soybeans, lentils, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts and walnuts.
- Meat, poultry, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, shrimp fresh and seafood.