Friday, April 29, 2011

Do you believe in God, Bia?

I noticed that many people have asked me that lately... People say that is the kind of thing that People should not argue about, but... Anyway...
The answer is NO (uuuuhhhh... I caused a frisson now... hahaha)... Let me explain: what I have is FAITH... According to my poor understanding having Faith is more than believing in God... It is to have full belief that He (or She) whatever the name is, He/She is  always by my side and lets things happen at the right time, with the right people and only for our greater benefit
I can say that today I have a faith that a year ago was almost nonexistent... I believe that He (or She) is shown through small things, through special people for our lives, events that we do not understand... We have to stop being blind and realize that Presence.
That's why I'm learning to be grateful every day for everything that happens and all people that are part of my life... I'm still learning a lot and I still have much to learn... J

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Girls chat

Let's have girls chat now... lol… Boys are allowed…
Yesterday after months my period came (stopped because of chemotherapy) ... I became a lassie! Kkkk...
Well... So far so great because it is a sign that the body is returning to normal! YUPIIIIII!
But there was one fact that I think it is the end of the thread... Simply the fim of human dignity... Hahaha..... Visualize the scene: my mother and the nurse (at least she was a woman... lol) gluing together a night absorbent (by the way, it looks like a mini diaper because it is so long) on underwear for me!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA...
After that does anyone doubt that a person in my position must exercise humility? Hehehe…
Anyhow I've said that to develop qualities it is always good! Anyway... This was just another exercise that I wanted to share with you... lol

Friday, April 8, 2011

14º Bia's Health News

From: Beatriz
Subject: 14º Bia's Health News
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 17:30:20 -0300

People JJJ,

You will think that I liked the hospital... Hahaha:

1. I left 3/21 (Monday), happy an cheering... I went home in an ambulance... I do not recommend... Kkkk... It shakes as hell, and the patient is tied and is also kept with the back inverse to the car's movement.... Hehehe... I got home feeling sick... lol

2. I stayed home until Sunday 3/27) evening... Then I had to get an ambulance and go back to the hospital... I almost threw up on the nurse... I'm in the hospital since then... A week and a half passed... And I think it still takes at least until this weekend before  I leave

3. Do not worry because I have not returned because of the breast tumor nor the head tumor... I came back because of cellulitis.... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... Yes, you read right... Cellulitis in the leg, making it swollen, red and hurts like dog !!!!!!!!!! I concluded that, definitively, the place of cellulitis is in the breech because it does not hurt and on half-light man does perceive anyway.... kkkkkk....

4. Okay... Let me explain: this cellulitis is not the same type of cellulitis that occurs in the breech... This cellulitis is caused by bacteria. This infection is cured with very strong antibiotics... So I had to be hospitalized to take these drugs through the veins... The bacteria like to eat Japanese beef... hahaha... They do not want to leave... Hahaha... The test results have not yet identified these bacteria, but I think the treatment is having an effect because there was regression of the area that was red, swollen and painful

5. Trying to identify the bacteria my doctors harvested material  from the place... Cuts were made... Uuuuiii ... Hehehe... The first collection was made on Thursday by Dr. Fernando... The second was made Sunday by Dr. Wesley... There will be small scars... Scalpel was used... Hahaha... Everybody wants to mark Bia’s little body... But who will takeit, huh? Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....

6. I also have no more veins in the arm to put the access to the medicines (the arm're all black)... As antibiotics are strong, they burst the veins... To solve this problem they made a PIC, which is a kind of access made in the neck... If I'm not mistaken in jugular vein... Hahaha... No access for vampires, they will have to wait until the needle is taken... Hmm, although if they do not wait, they still can use the needle and straw... kkkkkkkkkkkk

That's all... I did not yet return to run, but only because of the cellulitis in the leg... Hehehe... The arm does not move, but I can already close the hand and lift a little bit... I think I go around handing out beatings, just to not waste movement... Hahaha...

Access and disseminate, please:
