Monday, February 13, 2012

23th Bia's Health News

From: Bia
Subject: 23th Bia's Health News
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 22:32:00 -0200

HEEEYYY it’s me again people! Hehehe ...

I came home after 20 days in the hospital... Yes I was hospitalized again... So we have news:

1. I was in the hospital this time was because of an absolutely terrible pain in the liver, caused by a break... It hurts too much! I had never felt such pain in my life! But the docs did a radio embolization (they patched the liver... Hahaha...) through the groin (think about a black groin...) thankfully it was not necessary to make a surgery

2. I stopped taking the anticoagulant... I took four bags of blood (I was anemic... Hehehe... It feels weird to see blood entering the body)... I spent two days in ICU

3. I put a portho-cart (I do not know if that's how you spell... Hahaha...), which is an approach that is implanted in the chest... I now have chest titanium in addition of the silicone... Hahaha... I'll take the chemotherapy through it

4. During hospitalization several tests were done... And you know me... LOL... I asked my mom to get the reports and read everything... I suspected that my situation was more complicated than they were telling me... So I asked directly the doc. After a frank discussion, the conclusions were:

ü The cancer has spread - breast (think it was the only focus that disappeared... Hehehe... At least one!), the head one began to grow again, lung, liver (which "exploded" and is not very normal ) and bone

ü There is no cure anymore, all treatment is palliative now in order to prolong the life

ü The chemotherapy is less aggressive - hair do not falls (Hahaha. not fall far... I'm already getting hairy… Yeah .. so well that I have a kind of chop... I am the very close to Wolverine’s cousin... kkkkk...), I do not feel so sick... I feel a little weakness in the legs and some pain in the body in the morning

ü The chemo sessions are made once a week... Two weeks followed of rest... After eight sessions I will be evaluated again to see how my body is reacting

üWell... You know that in a conversation like that I had to solve the most possible doubts... Then I asked how long I had... The doctor said she did not have this information... Furthermore without analyzing the reaction of my body with chemo

5. From the information I got from the doctor, I made some resolutions:

ü I want to enjoy very much and even more the people I love... And if you have received this e-mail, you part of this team

ü I made a fat list of restaurants - who want to come along is welcome - you are so screwed you will have to carry the whale to the grave... Kkkkkk...

ü I also want to skydiving - but I'll leave that item to the end because if I break all bones (the bones weaken somewhat with bone cancer) at least I give work to the nurses and not my mom... Hehehe...

ü I ask for doc if she can get a weather forecast, let me enjoy it... That when I'm really bad then she can take care of my little body... See! I will not spend a life in the hospital right? J

6. Let's be honest... Oooooobviously I cried... I am a human being... But the thing is... What can be done! It's the chemo? It’s face another surgery?... Whether it is, I'll do... So get ready... I have the impression that I'm going to do a lot of overtime... Kkkkk... YOU WILL HAVE TO SWALLOW ME!!! Hehehe...
Until next time! Once I have more news, I will write again

Saturday, January 14, 2012

22 Bia's Health News‏

From: Bia
Subject: 22 Bia's Health News‏
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 15:38:59 -0200

First of all I want you to forgive me for not sending news... That happened because of my last hospitalization... That pulmonary embolim and also I had problems accessing the Internet since the end of the year... lol ... But let me update you:
1. The hospitalization lasted almost two months... A little more time and they would collect the room's rent... Kkkkk ...
2. This time my poor mother was grounded with me because every time we would leave the hospital, something happened (they exchanged antibiotics, there was an exam to do, I had a covulsion - in fact, I think I should register a delation... Hahahaha... I was beaten during this episode... kkkkk... My mother gave me a tie to turn my head to the side and I do not choke on drool... ARGH!... lol... The nurse gave me a stroke on the leg to unscrew the leg of my bed... I took some slaps on the face to see if I come back soon... Think about it... The person is convulsing and she is beaten... KKKKKK... Absurd! lol...)
3. I left the hospital late November and I've been monitored by home care... Taking a hefty dose of anticoagulant... Feeeeeeeeeear! I have to take care of cuts and hits to not have problems with clotting. Also I'm doing physio to end the laziness of the hand... I don't know if it's a great thing, but I'm getting some tickles in the hand... Hey hey I take a bath every day and it is not scabies!... Hehehe...
4. Look... I have to admit... I am an addict... Hehehe ... I'm taking morphine and it can not be taken away so suddenly as the corticosteroids .. I'm doing a detox program... Kkkkk... But I will say... Feeling the withdrawal symptoms is not cool! At the same time it gives a cold sensation through the body, but you feel the whole body sweating... A non sense malaise... Besides the desire to jump from the window... And the pile of crap you talk... I'm better now, but it is necessary to go slowly... Today I am for 40 days without getting high... In excess... Hehehe...
5. In the end of the month I have to repeat some tests... From the head... Yeah, I know... In the last email I said that radiosurgery had worked... But during my stay in the hospital, additional tests were also made and it was observed that there was a brightest area... Then I need to make a new resonance to see if this area is only a necrosis because of radio (if so they will leave as it is, not make anything more... I will be able to speak that eyewashes that I invent are because I have a head rotten... KKKKKK...) or if there are still tumor cells (there'll have to make another radiosurgery).
6. The end of the year was quiet... Spent at home with family and friends... We openned a sparkling on New Year... NO ALCOHOL sparklig(I did not know but the neurologist told me that alcohol, in my case could increase the possibility of having a convulsion... I fear it? Not that I'd certainly have a convulsion if I take something... But it could lower my threshold of resistance... So when someone calls me for dinner... Please buy a grape juice... Boring! My plans to have a beautiful wine cellar in my the house I think I'll hold off and replace it with a collection of flavored waters... Hahahaha...)... Even Thiby (my dog) "drunk"... Kkkk... He loved the "sparkling" peach... Hihihi...
I wish you all a lovely New Year and thank you for being part of my life! J

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